Moving Your Contact Center to the Cloud

Today’s lightning speed competitive business environment is forcing contact centers to think outside the box and look for new and innovative ways to attain and retain customers.

Your contact center is one of your most important interfaces with customers and potential customers. And it’s likely that now is an ideal time to examine future technologies that can take your contact center into the future.

Reading the words “moving your contact center to the cloud” might lead you to ask: is it worth it? The cloud offers opportunities to innovate, grow, and consume IT in a smarter way. It can offer better security, too.

Let’s explore the benefits of a cloud contact center.

  • Improved agility, flexibility and scalability, plus faster deployment of new capabilities
  • Innovative cloud features and emerging technologies and easy integration with major cloud apps
  • Reduced costs and capital overlay, plus more accurate and predictable budgeting
  • Faster and more frequent deployment of services and new features, with no disruption to your employees
  • IT staff and operational efficiencies, with more time to focus on strategic initiatives
  • Higher security, to meet strict regulatory and legal compliance requirements, while protecting contact center uptime and customer privacy

A practical approach to cloud transformation can happen sooner than you think, considering a step by step approach. This will allow you to adopt new, innovative cloud services and technologies like advanced data analytics and AI, without disrupting your current on premise contact center deployment. This method minimizes risk and maximizes your current on-premises investment. A hybrid approach enables you to keep your on-premises contact center infrastructure and layer cloud services on top. This is a smart and practical way to take advantage of the future without disrupting the present. With this approach you can “cloud-enable” your contact center quickly and cost-effectively, while completing your overall transition to the cloud at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.

The “Four Rs” of transforming your contact center.

The biggest opportunity of a cloud deployment approach is one you’re probably already aware of: Transforming your contact center operation from a cost center to a business asset. New cloud services give you the ability to precisely do that by significantly boosting the effectiveness of four key components of contact center activity.

  • Relevance: The ability of your agents, both human and digital, to have real-time access to information that matters most to customers
  • Responsiveness: The ability for the contact center to be predictive and proactive as it interacts with your customers in real-time
  • Relationships: The ability to make your customers feel like their passion for your brand is reciprocated by your personal attention to them
  • Revenue generation: The ability of your contact center to act as an extension of your sales and marketing teams

As a Cisco Certified Contact Center partner, we make innovating easier. Only Cisco offers the security, product stack, migration services, and customer journey intelligence to move the contact center beyond offering isolated interactions to offering personalized, seamless, and cross-channel customer experiences. By layering innovative cloud services on top of the on-premises Contact Center solutions you have now, you can take advantage of data analytics, AI, and ML to deliver better customer experiences. Ready to start the cloud journey for your contact center? It’s easier than you think.

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