WebEx & Hybrid Work *

The Webex Platform: Enabling the full potential of hybrid work * CREDIT: Cisco Webex & Author Anurag Dhingra As organizations accommodate the needs of hybrid workers, IT leaders are pressured to balance both enterprise-grade management and the changing needs of end users. Users now expect a high-quality collaboration experience accessible from anywhere and any device.…

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(* ) The rise of ransomware has quickly become an extremely lucrative criminal enterprise, as targeted organizations often pay the ransom to get their data back quickly. But every single organization that pays to recover its files is directly funding the development of the next generation of ransomware. As a result, ransomware continues to evolve,…

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5 Ways IT Can Help Your Business Survive and Thrive!(*)

(*) Credit to Cisco Meraki and Miriam Kung. Key Meraki solutions and best practices to help your business grow and adapt to a new cloud-first world. We know you’re facing business uncertainty and disruption to your daily operations right now, so it’s all the more important that any investments you make will bring short-term and…

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Moving Your Contact Center to the Cloud

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Today’s lightning speed competitive business environment is forcing contact centers to think outside the box and look for new and innovative ways to attain and retain customers. Your contact center is one of your most important interfaces with customers and potential customers. And it’s likely that now is an ideal time to examine future technologies…

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